TAOS YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE 2025 is underway! Remember the proceeds from The Friends of TCS concession stand directly benefits classroom needs and will contribute to our new playground.
So far, the games have gone well, and our concession stand is having the most success we've ever had! Please donate your time or concessions!
Here's the upcoming schedule. Please note that we've cut the length of time we're asking for your volunteer hours. We're now only asking for 2- or 3-hour time commitments.
Next games:
February 21/22: hosted by 3rd and 4th grades
February 28/March 1: hosted by 5th grade
March 7/8: hosted by 6th grade
March 15 (Saturday only): hosted by 7th grade
March 22 (Saturday only): hosted by 8th grade and Specials
Please take a look at the Sign-up Genius (link below) to sign up to help in the Concession Stand and to donate food and snack items. We'll happily accept your best Red Chile recipe for our Frito Pies!
We look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks!
The Friends of Taos Charter School
Allyson Bailey, Jayme Bushmaier, Paige Davidson, Roberta Lerman, Brenda Lopez, Miriam Lopez, Amber Narlock, Amber Vasquez Thomas, Wendy Gontram, Avery Blair